North Star Brass Practice Sept 19, 2017
Here is the practice recording from last night. Some great stuff for us to work on. Great stuff from Donnie on pulling together Creep and Jagged Line. Another fun filled…
A place to have fun and share!
Here is the practice recording from last night. Some great stuff for us to work on. Great stuff from Donnie on pulling together Creep and Jagged Line. Another fun filled…
Hey Brass, Another Great Practice. Took our proper licks for perhaps having a little more fun in the North End and letting a little bit more out the ends of…
Just in time for the upcoming parade Sunday. Here is the recording from Tuesday. Take a listen and learn. See you all soon!
Here is the parade stuff we went over at the Sunday rehearsal. If your wondering about the image, I just thought it was cool to post a picture of the…
Hello All Brass Players, Here is the recording from practice on August 1st. This is a bit short because we did drill practice for an hour before we did the… to post this one. Really cool. And now you have the Music!
Hey Folks, Feel like its been awhile since I’ve done a full rehearsal post. A lot has happened in the time between then and now. One of the best things…, Here is the recording of our final run through. Nice work and with drill happening to boot! Getting those memory brain cells to work and all that Muscle memory…
Hello Again, Practices are getting much more frequent these days. As the tempo of our rehearsals increase, it seems to me anyway that the recent focus has been on increasing…
Hello Everyone, Brass is a blast. Blastisimo that is. Don’s focus at this practice BLASTISIMO!!! So what is that? Blastisimo: Being conscious of knowing how far I can go before…